The UCF Teacher Quality Partnerships program is designed to recruit, prepare, and sustain highly-effective teachers with specific foci in mathematics to support students with diverse learning needs. Ongoing collaborative efforts ensure project services are personalized, job-embedded, and practice-changing for teacher candidates, supervising teachers, instructional coaches, and professors-in-residence.

Through this project, teams at the University of Central Florida and Orange County Public Schools collaborate to align resources and support for teacher candidates. In addition to receiving ongoing support from their supervising teacher, teacher candidates are a part of a professional learning community at their school site facilitated by a university professor-in-residence. The professor-in-residence engages teacher candidates in weekly conversations around evidence-based instructional practices for mathematics, culturally responsive teaching, positive classroom climate and classroom management, and teacher wellness and self-care. Professional learning activities are co-constructed and job-embedded to meet individual learning needs identified by UCF instructional staff, OCPS leadership and instructional staff, and school-based instructional coaches.

Learn More from our UCF Teacher Candidates

Learning from our Students
The TQP Project held Student Focus Groups with students from our partner site schools and surrounding communities. Project leaders and partners spent time with students asking them about their experiences in school, what they enjoy, how they learn best, and what they would change if they were in charge. A great reminder of why we do what we do in education. Highlighting the voices of students is key for enhancing educational practices in ways that make a difference for students!

Professional Learning

Teacher Quality Partnerships ED Talk - Self-Care and Wellness; Dr. Shainna Ali

Dr. Shainna Ali, is a Professor of Counselor Education, Founder of Integrated Counseling Solutions, as well as a Florida Licensed Mental Health Counselor. Dr. Shainna Ali’s scholarship focuses on exploring identity and culture, emotional intelligence, & creativity methods in counseling. Dr. Ali is a past president of the Florida Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development, presently serves on the editorial boards for the Journal for Creativity in Mental Health and the Journal of Counseling Sexology & Sexual Wellness: Research, Practice, and Education, and is an ambassador for the International Registry of Counselor Education programs. She is also passionate about crafting research-informed, interactive presentations and workshops pertaining to mental health education. This talk will address embracing the science of emotional wellness and helping participants tailor a personal plan for self-care. Audiences gain an increasing literacy pertaining to mental health awareness, assessment, and maintenance.

Teacher Quality Partnerships ED Talk - Embracing the Art of Self-Compassion; Dr. Coralis Solomon

Dr. Coralis Solomon, is an Assistant Professor of Counseling, Rehabilitation and Interpreter Training at the Troy University, as well as a Florida Licensed Mental Health Counselor. Dr. Coralis Solomon’s scholarship focuses on examining self-compassion and emotional resilience with minority teachers working in elementary schools. Her commitment to the mental health counseling field goes beyond private practice as she is a nationally and internationally recognized speaker and a published author in the area of mindful self-compassion and burnout in the job prevention. This talk will address embracing the science of self-compassion and why understanding one's inner critic is imperative in responding to maintaining educator emotional wellness. Mindful self-compassion for educators requires community, and an awareness of self-criticism and compassionate encouragements.

Learning with National Experts

Overhauling the Transmission Model Webinar with Alfie Kohn.

Dr. Kohn describes educational attributes of highly-successful schools.

Coaching Sessions with Professors-in-Residence

Teacher candidates have the opportunity to receive job-embedded coaching and support from their on-site professor-in-residence. Coaching conversations center around student learning and best practices, such as culturally responsive teaching, Universal Design for Learning, student engagement and self-care.

Publications and Scholarship

Pike, L., Herbert, L., Slanda, D. D., & Little, M. (2020). Digital sponsorship of pre-service teacher interns during COVID-19. In R. E. Ferdig, E. Baumgartner, R. Hartshorne, R. Kaplan-Rakowski, & C. Mouza (Eds.), Teaching, Technology, And Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Stories from the Field, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from:

Pike, L., & Carli, M. (2020). Leveraging Best Practice in Teacher Residency to Enhance Teacher Preparation. SRATE Journal, 29(2), n2.

Shillingford, M.A., Herbert, .L, and Gaskin-Butler, V. (2020, in press). Eating Disorders. Shillingford-Bulter, A., Gonzalez, T. (Eds.), Demystifying the DSM for School Counselors. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing.

Curriculum Resources

Our Team

Principal Investigator

Mary Little headshot

Co-Principal Investigator

Debbie Hahs-Vaughn headshot

Co-Principal Investigator

Ann Shillingford-Butler headshot

Project Manager

M Carli headshot

Principal Liaison

J Jones headshot
June Jones, Ed.D.


Jennifer Caton headshot
Jennifer Caton, Ph.D.

Graduate Research Associate

Christine Destefano headshot
Christine De Stefano, MA

Graduate Research Associate

L Pike headshot
Lindsey Pike, MSW

Graduate Research Associate

Oluwaseun Farotimi headshot
Oluwaseun Farotimi, M.S

Graduate Research

Lily Deware headshot
Lily Deware

Our Professors in Residence

Teacher Candidates as Assets

This clip discusses examples of teacher candidates supporting their supervising teachers in building a positive classroom culture through meaningful relationships.

This clip shares how our teacher candidates design lessons and create intentional supports based on data to meet individual student needs.

This clip shares how our teacher candidates embrace emerging technologies to support student learning for all students.

This clip shows how teacher candidates, supervising teachers, and clinical coordinators partner to use research-based practices and meet the emotional, behavioral, and life skill needs of all learners.


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University of Central Florida
4000 Central Florida Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32816

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The contents of this website were developed under TQP, a Department of Education grant within the Effective Educator Development Programs in the US Department of Education, #U336S180044. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.