
Bachelor of Science


Global Health Management and Informatics


From the moment you enroll in our health services administration undergraduate program, you become a leader. Whether you’re a student interested in health administration or a clinician eager to learn about the business or managerial side of the health industry, you’ll gain the necessary skills to have a flexible and versatile career in healthcare.

Our degree is designed to educate future health services administrators and healthcare managers on how to effectively plan, direct and coordinate the delivery of healthcare. Our undergraduate program will also prepare students for an advanced degree in health services administration or other related disciplines.

Students can complete program requirements through online, face-to-face or mixed-mode courses. Newly admitted students choosing to complete this program exclusively via UCF online classes may enroll with a reduction in campus-based fees.

To learn more about this program, watch this video.


The health services administration program is comprehensive, including a mandatory UCF-affiliated internship. The internship provides students an opportunity to apply classroom learning to real-world projects at healthcare organizations. Internships often lead to full-time employment opportunities for students.

Explore Internships

Admissions and Advising

The undergraduate health services administration program is an upper-division professional curriculum, which leads to a bachelor of science degree. It is not a limited-access program, so no additional steps need to be taken in order to enroll. Because this degree prepares students to work in a variety of settings, we encourage incoming students to start identifying their career interests as early as possible. Our undergraduate program advisors can guide you through the program and answer questions you may have about the degree.

Student Resources

Printable Brochure
Career Services